Aerostructures 2024


Our 2024 Aerostructures report provides the latest information on this challenging and evolving market. We cover market size, growth, market shares of key players, materials breakdowns and more. Our industry trends include consolidation, in-sourcing by OEMs, the role of China, profitability and technology advancements. Stay up to date with the latest changes and trends in the aerostructures market.

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What’s new in the 2024 version?
  • Revamped market forecasts with latest market values
  • Latest commentary on consolidation and potential acquisitions
  • New section on Advanced Air Mobility
  • New profiles of key industry players
  • Refreshed profiles on 190+ companies
Report highlights
  • Overall market size, growth and market shares in 2023, including segmentation by:
    • Composite, titanium and other metallic structures
    • Civil and military: OE production, spares and modifications
    • Generic aircraft type: e.g., large commercial, regional, business, helicopters
    • Aerostructures product type: wings, fuselage, nacelles & pylons, empennage
    • Market tier: super tier-1, tier-1, tier-2; the value of sales at different points in the supply chain
  • 10-year segmented market forecasts
  • Market shares by the segments described above
  • Composite aerostructures market analysis:
  • Technology developments including composite technogies, automation, and R&D programmes
  • Market trends and key characteristics
    • Financial performance, including reported aerostructures profitability, and analysis
    • Industry consolidation, including analysis of M&A activity.
    • Competitive background by segment and sub segment
    • The move to more insourcing by the aircraft OEMs and large tier-1s
    • The continuing role of Low Cost Countries
    • The evolving role of China
  • Profiles of over 190 key suppliers, including:
    • Origins and ownership
    • Our estimate of aerostructures sales, plus financials if obtainable
    • Operations and technologies
    • Customers and contracts
    • Strategy and recent developments
What’s included?
  • Report document (PDF format)
  • Customer data package (Excel format)
  • 1-hour phone call with the Counterpoint team (for Team and Enterprise licence holders)
Report Length

765 pages

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