
Aerospace Composites 2023


Note: our Composites 2024 report is now available

Our 2023 report delivers 590 pages of an in-depth analysis of the aerospace composites market, covering the entire supply chain from raw materials to end applications in aerostructures, engine components, and cabin interiors. It includes quantitative market analysis with comparisons of market recovery post-pandemic, 10-year growth forecasts, market sizes, and market shares by material and application segment. Furthermore, the report profiles 121 companies, providing detailed information on their operations, technologies, customers, contracts, and strategies, with additional insights into emerging trends and developments in the aerospace composites market.

This page describes our 2023 report; our Composites 2024 report is now available

At this time of continuing supply chain pressures, including raw material and labour shortages and inflation, we offer rigorous and insightful market analysis within the aerospace composites market sector from raw material to end applications in aerostructures, engine components and cabin interiors.

Our 2023 report offers comprehensive quantitative market analysis including: 

  • Comparisons of the market in 2021 and 2022 showing the recovery of different market sectors post-pandemic.
  • 10-year growth forecasts by material and by market sectors.
  • Market sizes and market shares
    • By material
      • Carbon, aramid and glass fibre market
      • Thermoset and thermoplastic resin market
      • Intermediate product market
      • Honeycomb core
    • By application segment
      • Aerostructures
      • Cabin interiors
      • Engine components
      • Aerostructures tooling

Trends in the raw/intermediate material market

  • Increase in raw material price and the effect to supply chain
  • Carbon fibre production expansion and new intermediate products
  • Large-tow carbon fibre for aerospace applications
  • The rise of thermoplastic composites and welding technology
  • Automation – tow steering and tow shearing
  • Materials for Out-of-autoclave and additive manufacturing
  • Activities in composite recycling
  • Material suppliers’ reactions to the emerging UAM market.

Technology trends in aerostructures and engine components

  • Out-of-autoclave and AFP/ATL technologies and 10-year growth trend by major programmes.
  • Current applications and R&D trend in thermoplastic composites by suppliers
  • Integrated composite parts; applications and developments
  • Aerostructure manufacturers’ reaction to the emerging UAM market
  • Development in composite hydrogen storage and fuel cells

Technology trends in cabin interiors 

  • Recycling of composites; who has the initiative and the current participants in the supply chain.
  • Development in Biocomposites for interior applications
  • Additive manufacturing for interior applications

Technology trends in Tooling 

  • Composite tools for composite manufacturing. Hybrid tooling materials
  • Additive manufacturing for composite tools

The report provides full profiles of 121 companies (including 39 SMEs). Our profiles cover origins and ownership; our estimate of aerospace composite related sales, plus financials if obtainable; operations and technologies; customers and contracts; strategy and recent developments; our comments including our categorisation of composites capability.

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