
Electrical Power Systems 2020


The 104-page report analyzes the $3.34 billion aircraft Electrical Power Systems (EPS) market, highlighting its above-trend growth as the industry shifts towards more electric aircraft. The report segments the EPS market into generation, conversion, and distribution, with an integrated market model assessing 15 power system components across Aerospace & Defense markets. It includes market size estimates for 2019, growth projections and segmentation for 2019-2029 post-COVID scenarios, supplier market shares, and a comprehensive list of power system components and suppliers, alongside profiles for 27 key suppliers.

Our new 104-page report analyses the $3.34bn aircraft Electrical Power Systems market, a sector
which is exhibiting above-trend growth as the market moves towards the More Electric Aircraft.

We have segmented the Electrical Power Systems (EPS) market into three categories, given that
airframe OEMs specify and procure largely along these lines;

  • Generation
  • Conversion
  • Distribution

We have created a new integrated market model that assesses 15 Power Systems component
functions across the three categories in Aerospace & Defence markets to produce;

  • Estimated market size in 2019; OE, spares and repairs
  • Market growth projections and segmentation under three different post Covid-19 scenarios over the
    period 2019-2029
  • Estimated supplier market shares across the whole market and the three main categories
  • We include a matrix showing a comprehensive list of power system components and suppliers in
    the three categories above.

We describe the Electrical Power Systems market structure and supply chain e.g.

  • Some parts of the market are now very concentrated e.g. there are only two credible sources of
    electrical main frame power generation for commercial aircraft: Collins Aerospace and Safran.
  • In contrast, the market for conversion and distribution products is quite fragmented.
  • EPS providers enjoy above average double digit returns on sales

We look at key trends in the market including

  • Above-trend growth due to the steady migration of older mature technologies such as pneumatic,
    hydraulic and mechanical powered systems to electrically powered and controlled systems.
  • The increasing penetration of Solid-State Power Controls (SSPC), replacing traditional electromechanical devices
  • Consolidation in the supply chain, which has been happening for a long time

We include profiles of 27 key suppliers in this report. Our profiles cover;

  • Origins and ownership
  • Estimate of electrical power systems sales & financials
  • Operations and technologies
  • Customers and contracts
  • Strategy
  • Recent developments
  • Our comments on its overall market position

In summary, we see the Electrical Power Systems sector as attractive, based upon both above trend
growth potential (more electric aircraft) and the potential quality of earnings (engineered products,
aftermarket). We see little threat of obsolescence (other than the older designs of electro-mechanical
devices) and the barriers to entry for new entrants are very high within EPS.



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